Indonesian Adventure-Goa Wren located in the village bejiharjo, Karangmojo Gunungkidul, it is located close enough to the cave Pindul. The beauty of this cave complete the existence of tourist village bejiharjo, in ancient cave is often used to be imprisoned people in order to get peace of self. But now this cave be a tourist attractions and no longer that uses to be imprisoned here.
Gua Glatik |
Here guides will accompany tourists in the cave, in addition to the managers already provide safety equipment such as helmets to keep us from the impact wall of the cave, but it is also the shoes given away in the cave condition was quite slippery so as not to slip, there is also an oxygen tank to guard -jaga because the air inside the cave is quite minimal. And do not forget a flashlight to illuminate during the trip in the gia Wren.
Gua Glatik |
Entering in cave Wren is guaranteed to be a pleasant experience, so there is nothing wrong if you visit the tourist village and visit the cave's Bejiharjo.
Goa Wren
1. Services guide
2. equipment (shoes, helmet, oxygen)
3. Insurance
Rp 30,000 / person
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