Indonesian Adventure-Emerald in the west Yogyakarta it back give a little surprise that is not only presents the beauty but also challenging the travelers. Behind the hills quiet and the ground karst covered vegetation meeting lush, a hallway earth save the charm of its natural. After Cave Kiskendo views with a piece of Ramayana story, Kulonprogo still have Cave deer Golden waiting to be explored. Its location adjacent to the Cave Kiskendo made me think a fragment of Ramayana story other adrift with the cave was in the hills of Hamlet Sabrang the South this. Moreover, the name of deer Golden reminds me of the story of a deer imitation deliberately sent Ravana to separate Rama of the Goddess Shinta.
Kidang Cave Kencana |
However it turns out, meeting of a shepherd and a deer hundreds of years silamlah the early history of naming cave lorongnya achieve 350 meters. According to the story of local communities, Grandma Bongsoriyo who lost the goat not stumbled across the animal pet that are inside a cave with a deer. Since that' s cave meeting place champion Bongsoriyo and the deer called Cave deer Golden. cave mouth steep and not too large diameter about two meters deliver enter into the dark hallway cave, after we have to walk so far 450 passing yards way cast concrete. Only with the help of light coming from the head lamp, we began running follow the flow of small river, down the cave with two guides are still descendants of Grandma Bongsoriyo. There is no lighting or the streets cast cement that allows to explore the beauty of the results of the phenomenon endokarst in the cave walls. In fact often we have to walk squat or crawl if the hole in the earth is narrowed.
Kidang Cave Kencana |
The hallway cave that can penetrate the behind this hill is allowed to natural without any changes in the slightest. Not only the hall cave a narrow, the process karstification by activity of groundwater and rain water thousands of years ago in Cave deer Golden also leaves cave room a more airy, with formations natural form of ornaments and carving unique cave walls. Call it Ringin Brackets which is a limestone of the resembles the banyan tree dense, rock similar gong, spacious room called High a, the rocks natural resembles a stupa temple called Sewu, Soko Bentet which is a pole cave results of the unification of stalactites and stalagmites, Wrap Angkrem the form of a large stone resembles the heart shape, sky Kuntoro, Bulus as well as Jewel. The whole ornaments in Cave deer Golden even then add a wealth of the phenomenon of geological in Kulonprogo ever make the audience amazed, such as us.
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