National Park Lorenz |
In addition National Park Lorenz there are 34 vegetation types that such as swamp forest forest edge of the river, sago forests, peat forests, coast coral sand, rain forest flat land, forest kerangas, meadow up to lichens. In addition this place also a lot of overgrown with different types of plants and endangered animals. 630 bird species and 123 mamalia.
National Park Lorenz |
National Park has a high biodiversity supported with cultural diversity which was amazing that is expected to- old 30,000 years and is a residence of Interest Nduga. You can visit to National Park Lorenz with the Timika to the northern part of use the airlines pioneering and gets south use of ships through the Port Sawa Erma and followed by walk to multiple locations that is in the National Park Lorenz. The best time visiting this park is about in August until December each year.
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