Indonesian Adventure- Hill bangkirai is a natural attractions that offers atmosphere of unspoiled nature and filled with a variety of green plants. This area located in sub- samboja, Kutai kartanegara, East Kalimantan. This place called the hill bangkirai because at the region there is the forest where in the forest there is a tree bingkarai a very much there is even that have been over the age of 150 years.
Bangkirai |
The trees towering up to a height of 50 meters with a diameter of about 2.3 meters. Bangkirai tree is the mascot of attraction bangkirai hill. This region has an area of 1500 hectares with various species of flora and fauna therein. In these places the tourists can enjoy the view and the atmosphere of the tropical forests that are still maintained continuity with the sound of chirping birds seakanmembelah quiet atmosphere of the forest. Also in this place there are also many species that inhabit the forest area in the hills bangkirai. In this place there is a suspension bridge that is quite well known, namely the crown or bridge, also called canopy bridge. Suspension bridge construction is made in the United States and is the first canopy bridge in Indonesia. This bridge has a length of approximately 64 meters and is located at a height of 30 meters.
Bangkirai Borneo Indonesia |
Canopy bridge connecting five large trees and high bangkirai. From the top of the bridge gentung tourists can enjoy views of the tropical rain forest in the hills bangkirai well as feel the sensation of being at the height of which must be adrenaline. To reach the bridge, tourists can two towers tree created using the ironwood trees that surround the ladder position bangkirai so when climbing the tree tower the tourists will surround a tree bangkirai high enough.
Jungle Bangkirai Borneo |
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