Indonesian Adventure-National park with an area of 1. 453. 500 hectares is almost 90% in the form of waters. Not surprisingly, Garden nasioanal Cenderawasih be a marine conservation area largest and the widest in Indonesia. Here, there are 196 types of molluscs and 209 fish species that you can see in nature underwater. Not infrequently turtles, turtles, sharks and dolphins also accompany your current diving. Cenderawasih Bay National Park was inaugurated in 1993 by the Ministry of Forestry. In addition to enjoy nature underwater, you can also explore the islands. Mioswaar Island, one of the island in the tourist attractions in Papua this, has a cave with hot springs with sulfur content decent you visit. In addition to Mioswaar Island, there are still Island Yoop, Island Numfor, Island Nusrowi and other islands which must not you miss. Touristic this administratively are in two districts that is Wondama and Nabire. This national park also be a research center whale sharks or whale shark conducted by the government in collaboration with NGOs and abroad.
National Park Papua Indonesian |
The potential of coral National Park Paradise Bay recorded 150 types of 15 family, and spread over the edge of 18 large island and small. The percentage of live coral cover varies between 30, 40% to 65, 64%. Generally, coral reef ecosystems are divided into two zones that zone reef( reef flats) and the zone reef slope( reef slope). The types of coral can be seen among others, coral colonies blue( Heliopora coerulea), black coral( Antiphates sp.), family Faviidae and Pectiniidae, as well as various types of soft corals.
Diving National Park Paradise Bay Indonesia |
National Park Paradise Bay famous rich fish species. Recorded approximately 209 fish species inhabitants of the region of them butterflyfish, angelfish, damselfish, parrotfish, rabbitfish, and anemonefish. Type molluscs, among others, snails cowries( Cypraea spp.), snails strombidae( Lambisspp.), conch cone( Conus spp.), trumpet triton( Charonia tritonis), and giant clam( Tridacna gigas). There are four types of turtles that is often landed in this national park the turtle( Eretmochelys imbricata), green turtle( Chelonia mydas), turtle cracked( Lepidochelys olivaceae), and the leatherback turtles( Dermochelys coriacea). Mermaid( Dugong dugon), blue whale( Balaenoptera musculus), planers oil( Birgus latro), dolphins, and sharks often seen in the waters of National Park Paradise Bay.
National Park Paradise Bay Papua |
Some of the location/ object of interest to visit:
Rumberpon Island. wildlife observation( bird), deer, marine tourism, diving and snorkeling, airframe Japanese fighter who fall in the sea.
Island Nusrowi. Diving and snorkeling, marine tourism, wildlife observation. Mioswaar Island. Hot spring, waterfalls, diving and snorkeling, wildlife observation and cultural tourism.
Island Yoop and waters Windesi. Observations of whales and dolphins.
Roon Island. wildlife observation of birds, diving and snorkeling, waterfalls, cultural tourism, and old church.
The best visiting season: May s/ d October each year.
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